33. THE LAST PARABLE (Luke 20:9-19)

BACKGROUND: The vineyard referred first to the Jews, especially to their leaders, but now it can also refer to the Christian church during the end times.
  1. What kind of man did the tenants consider the owner of the vineyard to be?
    • What was the mistake of the tenants concerning their master?
    • What kind of relationship between God and man does Jesus want to portray through this parable?
  2. Why didn't the master interfere when the first servant got home empty-handed (vs. 10)?
    • Why do you think the treatment of the servants got worse and worse every time (vs. 10-12)?
    • Why doesn't God prevent his servants from being mistreated and persecuted?
  3. What is the fruit God wants to have from us?
    • What is the fruit God wants to have from our church?
    • Why is it sometimes difficult to give the fruit of our labour to God?
  4. What was the motive of the master when sending his beloved son to the vineyard?
    • For what reasons would you send your child to a similar place at the risk of his life?
    • Why is this world so important to God that he sent his only Son here?
  5. What made the tenants so bold as to kill the son of their master?
    • What made people so bold as to kill the Son of God?
    • In what way are we all responsible for the death of Jesus?
  6. What will happen to those who are responsible for the death of Jesus (vs. 16)?
    • How can you apply verse 16 to the Christian church during the end times?
  7. After finishing the parable of the tenants Jesus used another well-known image to predict his death: the capstone of a building. What do verses 17-18 mean?
    • What makes a church or an individual Christian throw away the capstone of their faith?
  8. What did Jesus want to say through his last parable to the leaders of the Jews?
    • What does Jesus want to say to the leaders of the Christian church through this parable?
    • What does Jesus want to say to you personally through this parable?

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