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9. 25000 ROLLS AND 10000 FISH (Mark.6:30-44)

BACKGROUND: The leader should show on a map where this miracle took place: near Bethsaida by the lake (Mark.6:45). The leader should also count how many kilometers it is from this place to the main towns of Galilee. Note that the main purpose of Jesus and his disciples coming here was to have a break (verses 31-32).
  1. How would it usually affect a person if he is so busy that he doesn't have a chance to eat (vs.31)?
    • What do you think the disciples felt when seeing that the crowd was already waiting for them on the shore (vs.32-33)?
    • Why didn't Jesus become irritated with the people even when his day off was ruined (vs.34)?
  2. When Jesus had finished his teaching it was already late in the afternoon. How do you think the disciples felt at that time of the day?
    • Count how long it would have taken to go by foot from that place to main towns of Galilee? Note that there were old people and children in the crowd.
  3. Five rolls of bread and two fish made a meal for one man. How much would a lunch like that cost in our money?
    • How many villages do you think the disciples would have needed to visit in order to find 25000 rolls and 10000 fish (vs.36)?
  4. How much would such a meal for 5000 people cost these days?
    • 200 denarii were at that time 2/3 of the annual income of a man. Why did the disciples mention exactly this sum (vs.37)?
  5. Why did Jesus say to his disciples: "You yourselves give them something to eat" (vs.37)?
    • What should the disciples have answered to Jesus' request?
  6. Where did the disciples get the courage to act according to the command of Jesus (vs.39)?
    • Do you think the people believed that they would somehow be fed when they sat down on the grass? If they did, where did they think the food would come from (vs.40)?
  7. Why did Jesus increase the bread 5000 times rather than, say, change stones to breads (verses 41-42)?
    • What is the difference between a miracle that Jesus worked and the miracles that "witches" work?
  8. Think of various reasons why the Christians of our time are not more interested in feeding the hungry of this world? (What are the Christians of our time occupied with?)
    • Where are the hungry that Jesus would like you to feed today?
  9. Do you believe that Jesus can make 5000 fold even the (small) gifts you give to him?
    • What is the difference between faith and realism?
GLAD TIDINGS: After performing this miracle Jesus said: "I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world" (John 6:51). Through his death on the cross Jesus himself became the bread of the Holy Communion, the bread of everlasting life for us.

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