16. THE TREASURE ON THE EARTH (Mark.10:17-27)BACKGROUND: According to Matthew this man was young (Matt.19:22) and according to Luke he had a high position in society(Luke 18:18). This young politician had really succeeded in his life. Note that respectable men neither ran nor knelt in front of someone in Israel of that day. - What do you think made this successful politician behave in such an unusual way as is described in verse 17?
- The man didn't believe Jesus was God. Why did he then expect him to know the answer to his question (verses 17b-18)?
- Why didn't this man have assurance about the eternal life even though he had followed God's commandments for all his life?
- Why is it that we too don't always know what will happen to us after we die?
- Many politicians have great temptations in the areas of money and women. What do you think was the reason this man had sailed clear of these temptations (vs.19-20)?
- Note that according to Jesus, God's commandments must be followed not only in deeds but also in thoughts and words. Do you think that this man had done that?
- Could you honestly say to Jesus that you have kept these commandments?
- The man was still lacking one thing in his relation with God. What could it be (vs.21)?
- What kinds of things do people usually regard as their treasures (vs.21)?
- This young man had two treasures on earth. What were they?
- How can we collect treasures in heaven?
- Compare a treasure on earth with the one in heaven. What are the differences?
- This young man probably had a family and old parents to take care of. What would have happened to them if he had followed the commandment of Jesus in verse 21?
- If you were in this young man's situation, do you think you could believe that God would somehow take care of your wife, children and parents?
- What would you do if Jesus let you become his disciple only on the condition of giving up all your property and savings?
- What would have happened if Jesus had welcomed this man to be his disciple without any condition?
- According to verse 21 Jesus looked at this young man and loved him. Why then did he say to him such strict words that he left him?
- What alternatives did this man have when he realized that he could not give up his treasure?
- How do you think Jesus would have reacted if the man confessed to him that he loves money more than God and asked forgiveness for it?
- Compare the reply Jesus gave to the rich young man and the one he gave to Peter (vs.27).
- Discuss the question: Is it possible for God to save even a person who is bound to his treasure on earth?
GLAD TIDINGS: Jesus gave up his heavenly treasure while coming to this earth. On the cross he was punished as if he had been tied up with earthly treasures and idols. Do you know why?