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19. A CURSED TREE (Mark.11:12-14 and 20-25)

BACKGROUND: According to the Bible, God's anger strikes people who don't keep his law (Deut.28:15). Some Old Testament prophets dramatized this anger in a play or a symbolic act. Jesus' cursing the tree was such an act.

Verses 12-14

  1. What happens if a person curses someone?
    • If someone has ever cursed you, tell us how you took it.
  2. How could Jesus possibly expect fruit in a fig tree out of season?
    • When Jesus performed this symbolic act, who or what did the tree symbolize? (What do you think of the interpretation that Jesus was cursing his own people Israel?)
  3. What fruit was Jesus expecting from his own people?
    • What fruit is Jesus expecting from your life?
    • What fruit is Jesus expecting to find in your church (or in Christian churches in general)?
  4. What can we learn about the time of grace (the time of God's patience) - how long does it last?
    • When do you think God will run out of patience with the churches of Europe and America?

Verses 20-21

  1. What is a cursed life like?
    • What does a cursed fig tree have in common with the cross of Jesus?

Verses 22-24

  1. If you ever have prayed a prayer of faith tell us whether you received what you asked for.
    • What is the difference between a prayer of faith and a usual prayer?
  2. Why don't we often ask mountains to move to another place?
    • If "a mountain" has ever moved in your life, tell us how it happened.
    • What do you think about the times when Christians command "a mountain" to move, but it doesn't?

Verse 25

  1. What is the hardest thing about forgiving another person?
    • What should we do if it seems we can't forgive another person?
    • What does it show about a Christian's faith if he does not want to forgive his neighbor?
  2. How does cursing a fig tree relate to Jesus' discourse after it (vs.22-25)? (According to his discourse, what is the fruit Jesus is expecting from our lives?)
    • How could Jesus forgive his enemies who he knew were plotting to kill him?


  1. Why did Jesus curse the fig tree during the last week of his life, not before?
    • What is your opinion about this interpretation of Jesus' symbolic act: "After having cursed the fig tree, Jesus took its place and became cursed himself"?

GLAD TIDINGS: Paul tells us how we can make a glorious exchange with Jesus, and get blessing instead of a curse. The leader should read (Gal.3:13-14).

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