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BACKGROUND: According to an old tradition, Mark was the interpreter of Peter; his gospel was the life of Jesus as seen though the eyes of Peter. One of the themes in this gospel is the lack of the disciples' faith. Although Jesus had predicted his death and resurrection beforehand, the disciples didn't believe it was possible. Note that the body of Jesus had already been anointed the day he died.
  1. Why did the women from Galilee insist in visiting the grave, in spite of the stone and the soldiers who (according to Matthew) were guarding the grave (verses 1-3)?
  2. The women had already witnessed the mishandled body of Jesus being anointed two days earlier. Why do you think they wanted to anoint it a second time?
    • Do you think you would have liked to see and touch the body of your loved one in that state?
    • Only John had witnessed the death of Jesus; the other disciples didn't want to see the body of Jesus even once. Why not? (Do you think there is a difference between men and women in this respect? If so, what is it?)
  3. If the women had believed in the resurrection according to Jesus' prediction, how do you think they would have behaved Sunday morning?
  4. What did the women think when they heard the words of the angel (vs.6)?
    • Despite the angel's words, the women were so afraid that they didn't tell anyone about the resurrection (vs.8). What were they so afraid of?
  5. Why did Jesus choose women as the first witnesses of his resurrection, in spite of the fact that they were not accepted as witnesses in a court of law at that time (vs.7,10)?
  6. How and when was faith in Jesus' resurrection born in the hearts of these women?
  7. Is there anything in your life that seems as impossible to you as a corpse rising again? (You can answer in your heart.)
    • How would you answer if Jesus rebuked you for your lack of faith as he rebuked his disciples in verse 14?
  8. What is the difference between the resurrection of the body (which is taught only in Christian faith) and the immortality of the soul (which is a common belief in many religions)?
  9. If there wasn't any such thing as the resurrection of the body, what could Christianity offer to mankind?
    • Suppose someone believes all the Christian teachings, but not the resurrection of the body. Why can't we call him a Christian?
  10. Peter denied his Master two days earlier. What did it mean to him when Jesus sent him a special greeting (vs.7)?
    • Imagine that you had committed a grave sin. How would you feel if, soon after that, you received a message from Jesus that he wanted to see you?

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