Unfortunately navigation and introduction texts haven't been translated to Latvian. Questions in Luke's gospel are in Latvian.

Glad Tidings Bible studies contain questions for evangelistic house meetings.


Certainly you know people to whom you would like to introduce Jesus. Here you have a tool by which you can do it. Invite your friends to study the Gospel together with you! These Bible study questions have been made in Japan for the use of housemeetings with both Buddhist and Christian participants. They have been tested by evangelical protestants in many countries. It should not be difficult to lead a Glad Tidings group using these questions even if the participants don't have any previous knowledge about the Bible.

The principles

The leader must not preach. He or she reads the question, that's all. Then he can rely on the Holy Spirit to open the minds of the participants to understand the Scriptures.

One Bible study must not take more than one hour and a quarter at the most. Start punctually and finish on time. This is important - otherwise busy people may stop coming.

If this is the first time you use Glad Tidings Bible Studies, start with easy texts with only one star. You don't have to ask all the questions if you feel there are too many of them. But even if you skip some, don't skip the last ones, which are usually the most important. We try to find the gospel (Glad Tidings) from every text. The gospel doesn't only state that God is love. It also tells us what price God had to pay in order to be merciful to us sinners.

The results

Glad Tidings Bible Studies will help you in church planting in three ways:

  1. Provide an excellent program for small groups.
  2. Nurture lay leadership.
  3. Convey the Gospel.